Introducing VAology

VA Definition

For those of you visiting us for the first time, here’s a quick intro…

We are a team of Virtual Assistants with a desire to use our skills and talents to serve small businesses across the country. We currently have about 8 team members ranging from the full-time VAs to project-basis contractors. We specialize in administrative and marketing support, with specific focus on clerical and executive tasks, social media and content marketing, and website design and development.

If you’re anything like the many professionals and business owners we’ve worked with, you wear multiple hats and manage to fill many different roles in the pursuit of growth and success. Unfortunately, while you’re trying to prioritize and keep up with a million different things, your poor website is stuck in the year 2009, your social media posts are sporadic, your inbox email count is in the hundreds, and your efforts to stay organized are just not quite cutting it. In other words, there are areas of your life or business that are suffering because you only have so many hours in a day!

We totally get it… and it’s that very energy, dedication, and determination that drives us to do what we do. Over the years, as individual office managers, administrative support staff members, graphic designers, marketing managers, etc., we have seen some remarkable people take their dreams and grow them into thriving businesses and wanted so badly to be part of that chase and achievement. Still, the distance between our “jobs” and the ability to really impact the doers and hustlers that needed it always felt too large.

Thus, VAology was born! This is our way of offering our services in a more direct, connected, and flexible manner. As virtual assistants, each of our team members contributes by doing what they love and what they’re really good at. Not only that but because we work directly with our clients, we get to see the results in such a real way – which makes our job a lot more enjoyable and our customer satisfaction rates soar! And, *bonus*, because of our virtual based business model, you save a bunch of money!

So, that’s us… that’s what we do and why we do it. What about you? We’d love to hear about the dream you’re chasing, the successes you’ve had, the challenges you’ve faced, and what drives you to keep working hard to reach your goals.

Send us a note at or connect with us on Facebook at