Do you ever get to the end of the day and wonder what you’ve gotten done and where the time has gone? Do you feel like some days just slip away without any real action or accomplishment?

You might even start out organized, with good intentions and a well planned out list of what you will get done that day, but then you get going and it’s like the universe has something else in mind for you. 

Sitting there, staring at your computer, you think about all the things that need your attention… but try as you might, you just can’t manage to bring yourself to do even half of it!

Daydreaming, social media scrolling, no matter what it is, distractions happen and your motivation to be productive goes out the window.

Sound familiar?

The good news is, there are plenty of ways to stay on task. 

Here are just a few solutions that have helped us stay productive throughout the years:

Get rid of those distractions.

Turn your phone to Do Not Disturb. There are ways to allow calls from the most important people in case of emergency, but if we’re honest, we could all use some time without calls, texts, and interruptions. 

Bonus Tip: Turn off notifications on the most distracting apps on your phone. Without a ring, a buzz, a popup, or a number of new notifications glaring at you from the phone, you’ll be less likely to get sucked into your phone and see the hours waste away.

Quick quiz – take a look at your computer screen. How many tabs, pages, or apps do you have open right this minute? Now, are you working in all of them right now?

I have been known to have oh, I don’t know, 20 pages open at any given time. The truth is, that does nothing but divide your attention and clutter your screen and your brain.

Take that mouse of yours and close out any page or app that you’re not currently working in or using for the task at hand right now. Only keep the windows and programs open that you need right now. Close them when you’re done and only open the new tabs or tools you need for the next task or project on your list.

Less is more, people… less is more.

Use a task management tool.

There is no shortage of task management tools online. I have tried out a half dozen of them in the last year or so. I’m always looking for one that works with my style. As painstaking as that process can be – trying a new tool out, only to realize it’s not the right fit and having to find a new one – it just might be the best way to find what works for you! And, let’s face it, tool you LIKE is a tool you’ll USE. 

Here are a few of my must-haves for a task or project management tool:

  • Send me automated reminders for tasks, projects, and due dates
  • Allow me to check an item off when it’s complete (because there’s nothing like the sweet satisfaction of checking an item off of my list!)
  • Easy set up for repeat tasks
  • Seamless integration with the calendar tools I use (iCal and Google)

We are currently using GQueues, which has the most amazing integration with Gmail/G Suite. It doesn’t have a ton of unnecessary bells and whistles (remember – less is more) and it fits my personal preferences and style. It’s been a lifesaver!

Switch up your surroundings.

Sitting in the same space at the same desk and staring at the same wall or out the same window every single day can make it hard to stay productive. 

If you have the ability to work virtually, try switching things up a bit!

Local cafes and coffee shops are amazing for a change of scenery and often offer free WiFi. Need wifi? So go in, grab some lunch or a cup of Joe, and get to work! 

*Bonus Tip* Set aside a block of time for tasks or projects that don’t require WiFi and get outdoors! Head out to a park or step out to your backyard or front porch – the fresh air and fresh perspective can work wonders.

The concept here is simple – a switch up to your routine and surroundings can help a ton when your day feels stagnant or you can’t quite get the momentum you need. When you’re physically in a new space, you allow your brain and productivity to shift into a new space, too.

Hire a virtual assistant.

Okay, you totally saw this one coming, right? But honestly, just for a moment… open your mind to the possibility that hiring an assistant could be a game changer for you.

In every business (yes, including our own), there are some tasks that just don’t feel important, even when they are crucial. Maybe it’s because because you just don’t like them, maybe they’re boring and mundane, or maybe you just thrive with other kinds of tasks. But you haven’t come this far to work for yourself and create a business you love doing what you’re great at just to muddle through tasks you hate, right?

Reality check – you are not going to love every aspect of maintaining and growing your business. 

So, why not hire some help?

Find the tasks that you dread doing, the tasks that take you way longer than they should, or tasks that just drain your energy, and pass them on to someone who loves doing them… and who is probably faster and better at them, too.

Fill your time doing things that you enjoy. When you are doing something you enjoy, your motivation and productivity go up! It just all gets a lot easier.

All of us face distraction, laziness, lack of focus, and days where we just don’t get as much done as we’d like. That’s life.

But it’s important to look at your productivity patterns and take simple actions to increase your productivity and set yourself up for success.

Still left wondering where to start? 

Send us a note and let’s see if we can’t share some insight on how to add some productivity, support, and relief to your life!